
Destiny's She-Beast

Follow the link. Yea...wow. Y'know, I remember when Beyonce Knowles was the epitome of a good southern daughter: she went to church; she was polite and modest; she had the body and spirit of a wholesome girl, well fed on mom's home cooking. In fact, I remember the first Destiny's Child video, "No, No, No" (which is exactly what we say when we see her new videos now). She was so innocent then. But it appears that the metamorphosis is complete. Beyonce is no longer of this world; she has ascended into the realm of Diva-Goddesses, a land inhabited by robot-like bitches, whose blind spots have become so big, that they wouldn't recognize their former, earth bourne selves if it confronted them in their in-home day spas. Let's just hope that Beyonce is never in the same building as Celene Dion; she can smell weakness, and the battle will be a messy one. Actually, we're pretty scared. And to think: we used to worry about Oprah...

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